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Bridging the Gap in Communication For
Co-Parenting Families

Bridging the Gap in Communication For
Co-Parenting Families

Our mission is to support single parents in building and sustaining collaborative co-parenting relationships which help their children to thrive.



The Price Dynamic is a professional family coaching  and engagement consulting firm offering collaborative services and cutting edge strategies for servings today’s family dynamics. The Price Dynamic models communication and resolution in single and  co-parenting families, training and support for educators and service providers, and facilitation of court-ordered mediation and supervised visitation, all with a goal of building courage and resilience to navigate systems which support the whole family’s well-being and stability. The model was created by Founder & CEO, Alysha Price, a qualified Rule 114 neutral family mediator and co-parenting author and expert,  who was raised in a co-parenting family and has successfully achieved her own co-parenting partnership.

Price has served in leadership roles within for-profit and non-profit organizations working to eliminate disparities and empower mental fitness for more than a decade.

The firm works in a community intermediary role by providing insight into family dynamics and challenges with direct coaching and then simultaneously working to support service organizations in more effectively helping families to achieve family stability and parenting resolution.

Our mission is to support single parents in building and sustaining collaborative co-parenting relationships which help their children to thrive.



The Price Dynamic is a professional family coaching  and engagement consulting firm offering collaborative services and cutting edge strategies for servings today’s family dynamics. The Price Dynamic models communication and resolution in single and  co-parenting families, training and support for educators and service providers, and facilitation of court-ordered mediation and supervised visitation, all with a goal of building courage and resilience to navigate systems which support the whole family’s well-being and stability. The model was created by Founder & CEO, Alysha Price, a qualified Rule 114 neutral family mediator and co-parenting author and expert,  who was raised in a co-parenting family and has successfully achieved her own co-parenting partnership.

Price has served in leadership roles within for-profit and non-profit organizations working to eliminate disparities and empower mental fitness for more than a decade.

The firm works in a community intermediary role by providing insight into family dynamics and challenges with direct coaching and then simultaneously working to support service organizations in more effectively helping families to achieve family stability and parenting resolution.


The Price Dynamic believes that by bridging the gaps in communication between parent to parent, parent to school, and parents to social services we can better meet the needs of Single and Co-Parenting families. This then gives children stable homes, supportive learning environments, and parents that are mentality and emotionally well.


The Price Dynamic believes that by bridging the gaps in communication between parent to parent, parent to school, and parents to social services we can better meet the needs of Single and Co-Parenting families. This then gives children stable homes, supportive learning environments, and parents that are mentality and emotionally well.



“What was needed, she realized, were services that focused on helping children experience a stable family life, even when their parents lived apart, by training divorced or never-married couples to raise their kids in a collaborative, amicable way.”

“People get really confused, thinking co-parenting work is about the other parent. If both parents have a mutual understanding, care, love and concern for their child, they will make it work.”

“It’s really important to me, that if we’re going to support over ending some of these generational cycles, and curses, that we’re able to help families of color, who are sometimes stereotyped, or at a deficit, because they are considered a single-parent household.”

The impact of Alysha’s programs has been significant. Her coaching and education has been proven to increase job performance, work attendance and school attendance. Her programs have helped decrease the number of families using court to resolve their relationship obstacles.



Alysha Price, is a qualified neutral family mediator and trained motivational interviewer with a Bachelor Degree in Human Services & Family Studies and Master Degree in Management. Price is a North Minneapolis native whose put in over 20 years of dedication into work of eliminating education and health disparities in her community. Price is a 2019-2020 Finnovation Fellow, recipient of The Bank of America “Emerging Leaders” Program as well as recipient of “The Minneapolis Award” for outstanding commitment to community. As CEO & Founder, Price has a personal investment in improving communication within co-parenting families as she believes effective communication is the cornerstone to healing fractured family dynamics. Price who was also raised in a co-parenting household and has built a successful co-parenting family of her own comes to this topic with life experience and passion. Through her personal experiences she brings raw empathy and an everything is achievable mindset which resonates with the families served. Keeping a family whole across households can be challenging therefore, Price sets out to heightened awareness of the power cooperative co-parenting can have on the development of our children.



Alysha Price, is a qualified neutral family mediator and trained motivational interviewer with a Bachelor Degree in Human Services & Family Studies and Master Degree in Management. Price is a North Minneapolis native whose put in over 20 years of dedication into work of eliminating education and health disparities in her community. Price is a 2019-2020 Finnovation Fellow, recipient of The Bank of America “Emerging Leaders” Program as well as recipient of “The Minneapolis Award” for outstanding commitment to community. As CEO & Founder, Price has a personal investment in improving communication within co-parenting families as she believes effective communication is the cornerstone to healing fractured family dynamics. Price who was also raised in a co-parenting household and has built a successful co-parenting family of her own comes to this topic with life experience and passion. Through her personal experiences she brings raw empathy and an everything is achievable mindset which resonates with the families served. Keeping a family whole across households can be challenging therefore, Price sets out to heightened awareness of the power cooperative co-parenting can have on the development of our children.





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